What people are saying.

  • “In my session with Melissa, we invited the Holy Spirit to lead the session. God talks to me in visuals and it lead our conversation to dig deep into the things that need healing. The most current session gave me a visual of a person and later that week I was connected to that person. That person spoke life into me and pushed me into a place of healing. Because of my time with Melissa, I was able to be supported to have deeper connection with God."

    — Elizabeth R.

  • “Melissa has been an amazing guide in my current journey. She taught me skills that helped me reconnect in times where I felt disconnected from my Divine Wisdom and authentic self."

    — Myra M.

  • “Melissa helped me describe the sensations in my body. By acknowledging them I was able to reconnect and release what was trapped in me. I was able to be present and see myself the way God sees me. Before this session I struggled with being present and was able to have an encounter with God for the first time.

    -Roxanna G.